The onion research agenda at the FAREI comprises two main research programmes, the introduction and evaluation of elite germplasm and breeding. Important traits in the selection process include high yield, tolerance to diseases, good storability and appealing bulb qualities.
Bellarose and Francia, two open-pollinated varieties developed by FAREI were released in 2007. Both varieties have been adopted by growers and are also highly appreciated by consumers. Bellarose is a medium yielding pink onion variety with potential ranging from 20 to 25 tonnes hectare and recommended primarily for cultivation in the coastal regions. Whereas, Francia, being a high yielding red variety with marketable yield lying between 30 to 35 tonnes per hectare, has proven suitability to all major onion growing areas of the country.
Two new red varieties, Rosada and Rubex, a dark red variety Malbec and two yellow varieties, Irati and Chelsea were recommended in 2017-2018 for commercial cultivation. Three other yellow varieties, namely; Koda, MON 0538 (Rosa Bella) and Oro Pronto were also recommended in 2015.
Seven hybrid onion varieties screened as promising from 2019 evaluation trials were subject to 2nd year evaluation in 2020 on FAREI research stations at Reduit and Richelieu and replicated in fields of onion planters in the region of La Marie, Haute Rive, La Ferme and Camp Fouquereaux.
Consistent research findings and observations compiled over last three years have confirmed strong and stable performance under local conditions of two high yielding hybrid varieties, namely Russet, having dark red coloured bulbs with yield potential of 23.7 – 50.7 tonnes per hectare and 10243, an early yellow variety with yield range of 29 – 48 tonnes per hectare.
Under the on-going breeding programme, four red open-pollinated varieties introduced respectively from Brazil and the World Vegetable Centre in Taiwan, are being improved to harness benefits of their marked globular bulb shape in addition to other desirable traits. These varieties are presently at an advanced stage of selection and systematic evaluation on the FAREI research stations at Réduit and Richelieu, with similar trials replicated on-farm at Belle Mare, La Chaumière, La Marie, Haute Rive, La Ferme and Camp Fouquereaux.