Potato Season 2020

R. Koppalah Ramsamy

Potato season 2020 started amid total lockdown and was undoubtedly set off for a rather gloomy prospect. Thanks to resilience of the planters who, in spite of strict restrictions on movement imposed by the sanitary curfew, they nonetheless stood up the challenges.

From Glen Park/La Marie in the centre/west regions to La Laura/Malinga, Rivière Baptiste, Ripailles, Dagotière, on high grounds in the East, regular potato planters thrived hard to set their fields ready for timely establishment of potato plantations

Albeit slow pace at the beginning, intensity in plantations picked up quick later in the season to peak at nearly 641 hectares of full-stand land area cultivated around the country as at mid-August. Under favourable conditions, these planted fields represent a production potential estimated at 12,800 metric tonnes of ware potato.

The range of varieties cultivated for 2020 crop season enlists popular locally grown Spunta, Mondial, and Delaware as well as Safari, latest potato variety released by the FAREI, which year on year is attracting ever increasing interest.

Government’s bold decision to bring significant reduction in potato seed price for 2020 crop season, from Rs 45,000 down to Rs 25,000 per tonne, indeed received a warm welcome and no doubt played a key role in boosting yet greater interest in potato production, among corporate and small scale operators alike.

Planters regrouped in the Agricultural Development and Marketing Association (ADMA), and cultivating an acreage of 55 hectares in the region of La Marie/Glen Park at Vacoas, hosted a ceremony in July to mark start of harvesting campaign for the 2020 􀁽first season crop. The honourable Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security graced the function by his presence where he also shared joy of the planters for their successful crop and prospects of very good yield of high-quality tubers.